Mw 6.9 Molucca Sea
updated 10 June 2022

On 7 July 2019 a strong earthquake occurred in the Molucca Sea at a depth of 20 km. The seismic event occurred at 15:08:39 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.9.

Starting on 1 July, total lunar geometry jumped from index 13 to 20 and continued with peaks reaching index 17 on the 4th and 7th. These high peaks were the result of critical geometry between the Moon and outer planets, in particular on the 3rd and 4th, which resulted in strong tremors in the Queen Charlotte Islands Region and Southern California. The strong earthquake in the Molucca Sea was preceded by a major earthquake in Southern California a day earlier. Next to the critical lunar geometry Earth was about to align with Mercury and Mars and a convergence of critical planetary geometry occurred on 8-9 July. As a result, additional major seismic activity occurred on the 14th with the second lunar peak that followed on this critical planetary geometry.

#HighLunarPeak, #MercuryMars

Venus-Sun-Jupiter         2019-07-08, 13:09:34  261°26'48"
Venus-Mercury-Jupiter     2019-07-08, 16:44:19  261°29'10"
Sun-Mercury-Jupiter       2019-07-08, 19:17:30  261°28'02"
Earth-Mercury-Mars        2019-07-08, 22:07:31  124°09'39"
Mercury-Sun-Venus         2019-07-09,  3:33:00   82°24'51"
Sun-Earth-Saturn          2019-07-09, 16:54:00  286°56'40"

Moon-Earth-Saturn         2019-07-03,  6:26:58  287°25'04"
Earth-Moon-Mars           2019-07-04,  5:05:02  121°09'59"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        2019-07-04,  9:13:46  123°41'50"
Moon-Earth-Neptune        2019-07-07, 10:34:03  348°23'16"
SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry